Thank You, AVN Awards 2011!

The nominations for AVN’s 2011 AVN Awards came out this week, and I have a lot to be thankful for, and much to be contemplative about. But mostly, I am excited to be going, partying with the Queer Porn Mafia, and getting some exposure on the red carpet again!

Seven Minutes In Heaven: Coming Out!

I am so, so, so honored to have had my film Seven Minutes In Heaven: Coming Out nominated for it’s hardcore queer gonzo sexiness in the “Best Pro-Am Release” category. I see “Pro-Am” as a really wonderful niche in porn, full of indie porn stars and super hot amateurs working together to make delicious sex scenes.

Seven Minutes In Heaven: Coming Out is the first of my Seven Minutes In Heaven series, where I cast seven queer-identified individuals for their overall sexiness, stamina, and variety – and let them create their own couplings and scenes for an entire day. Nothing is scripted, nothing is set up, and nothing is planned.

Puck Goodfellow, who stars in Seven Minutes in Heaven: Coming Out, as well as Seven Minutes in Heaven 2: Tender Hearted, Speakeasy, and my porn sites No Fauxxx and QueerPornTV – happens to be the only transman starring in any AVN-nominated film this year (aside from Crash Pad Series’ incredible nomination for Best Alternative Website), and my film Seven Minutes In Heaven: Coming Out is the only “Queer Porn” film nominated… which brings me to my contemplations…

I contemplate my space – our space – in the mainstream world. Do we really need it? While they tip their hats to the indie folks because we deserve it, and appreciate it, they still haven’t quite given us the time of day. It’s very rare that indie film-makers make it to the Oscars, and it’s understandable – the films are seen by less people, they have smaller budgets, and like me – aren’t backed by a team of powerful producers, rich advertisers, or great distribution.

Queer Porn is busting forward at record speeds, spilling out new films, new websites, new performances, new projects, new everything, faster than they are able to follow. It’s not their fight or focus – and if they were to truly include us queers, they would have a whole lot of work to do breaking down gender barriers and the entire niche system of porn. It’s OK – they don’t have to.

The internet has created this wealthy, wonderful world for queer identified folks to find porn, to find community, to find art, music, friends, and support. I’m excited to go play with the big kids in Vegas in January (I actually really love my friends involved in sex toy companies, porn companies, performing, and press in the “mainstream world”) – but I am even more excited about the diverse, incredible, sexy, brilliant, and resilliant community that brought me there, that inspires me, and feeds me knowledge and love. This community rocks, and deserves it’s own awards show we’re that good!

1 Comment

  1. Congrats Babe!!!

    I’m very proud of you and us all. It’s been amazing to witness!

    I want to give a shout out to Good For Her’s Feminist Porn Awards. Even though it’s “feminist”, I think that there’s a lot of overlap with ethical/queer/Indy/feminist/awesome porno out there and I hope that awards show gets more recognition cause they really shower us with love and respect. 🙂

    Can’t wait to waltz with you on the red carpet and celebrate in Las Vegas!!!

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