I love boudoir and never get me wrong, I LOVE the realm of the High Femme. But I only go there rarely: this girl’s a Desert Rat Girl Gutterpunk Femme, a proud AF Tucson Queer. So when I reached out to Caroline King Photography and explained that I wanted to do a low femme boudoir shoot, and got an enthusiastic yes in response, I was elated AF! I picked my outfits based on what organizations I wanted to represent (and in the case of my pink Sailor Moon punk vest, a friend I wanted to give a shoutout to!), I did my own makeup, fired up my playlist of old school punk and 80s hair metal and 90s grunge (and Grimes, always Grimes), and produced a set of work I’m immensely fucking proud of and feel myself SO hard in. Oh, and when the photographer is okay with you getting so into the experience that you touch urself and fingerfuck urself? Hell fucking yes.